Vegan Chick’n (Air) Fried Steak

So I love Rabbit & Wolves’ blog for the creativity and all the flavor I. Every dish I’ve ever recreated but sometimes it just really complicated. I wasn’t sure at all what to cook last night and haven’t been to the store recently (heading there this morning). I needed to come up with a simple,…

Caju Seitan Steak

I’m pretty proud of how this “steak” came out and to be honest, it’s so “meaty” and hearty!! Using a special ingredient, Caju Love, you’ll be saying, “jackfruit what?”…. Ingredients: Directions: Mix all ingredients until well incorporated. Divide into 4 different patties or “steaks”. Wrap each one in parchment paper then in foil. Steam for…

Vegan Cajun Chick’n (w/ skin)

I am over the moon, pleased with this recipe! Using my favorite, banana peels, this creation is paired with rice paper to create a mock ‘skin’. The inside is such a great texture and the outside is pretty darn good too! So, without further ado… Ingredients: 1 cup (120 mL) Vital Wheat Gluten 3/4 cup…

Vegan Banana Peel Boudin

After visiting my Aunt & Uncle in Louisiana, I was craving some Cajun food. My Uncle went out and got my husband a couple different kinds of Boudin for him to bring home and try. I figured I’d try out a recipe to get my fix. I think it came out pretty cool. I definitely…

Banana Peel Meatless Bereberes

I’m calling these Bereberes instead of Burgers, because I’m clever like that. I wanted to come up with a new burger recipe because I had some banana peels that I needed to use before we go out of town this weekend. When my husband got me this awesome spice rack for Christmas, I made all…

Vegan 5 Spice Meatless Patties

Ever wonder what to do with some of your kitchen scraps? Look no further! Make yourself an awesome veggie burger. I bake these to cook them but you could lightly bake then finish them off by grilling them, maybe with some teriyaki sauce or something? I’m heading out of town for the weekend and wanted…

Vegan Japanese Eggplant Meatless Patties

I sort of based this recipe off of these vegan japanese eggplant no-meatballs and sort odd off of my own Vegan Meatless Balls. Clearly, I set out to make meatballs, but decided to make burger patties instead because I have this perfectly sliced pineapple in the fridge just waiting to go on a bun. So,…

Harissa Spiced Banana Peel Burger Patties

Back at it with the banana peel creations! it’s very loosely based off of these Jackfruit Burger Patties. They came out so well, even with my modifications that I had to share. All Whole Food, Plant Based! Ingredients: 230 g (8 oz) Banana Peels 1 oz Red Onion 120 g (4 oz) Mushrooms 100 g…

Chickpea Cauliflower Patties

I got this idea from these Cauliflower Patties , except I didn’t follow directions and they came out great. I made them A LOT simpler by just pulsing the cauliflower into ‘rice’. No cooking ahead of time needed. As the original recipe suggests, these are great as a burger or as a fritter. Ingredients: 60…

Watermelon Rind Seitan

I’d call it Chick’n but I’m not real sure what it resembles. Whatever it is, it’s dang good and I had enough rind to make another batch for the freezer. I used this as I would any other seitan or Chick’n substitute in various dishes so far. None photographed real well but all were pretty…

Banana Peel Breakfast Sausage

This one is a take on my Banana Peel Meatless Balls that I made not too long ago. I saw a few recipes for breakfast sausage that I wanted to make but I had some saved peels that I didn’t want to throw out. Can’t wait to try these guys for breakfast this weekend. Ingredients:…

Banana Peel Taco Meat

I’ve been getting super creative with these banana peels lately. I honestly like using them over jackfruit. Plus it’s literally free, how can you beat that? I went out to brunch at this really cool restaurant, Chica Miami for a baby shower brunch with my South Florida Luscious Ladies yesterday and although I just ordered…

Banana Peel Meatless Balls

This recipe is a spin off of my Vegan Meatless Balls that I created a while back. That one was so good that I wanted to make it again but I had slightly different ingredients on hand, plus I’ve been wanting to use some of this hydroponic Basil that has been growing like crazy. I’ll…

Lentil Doner Kebab

Unfortunately I can’t take credit for this recipe, it was created by a mastermind in a FB group, The Seitan Appreciation Society. Someone had posted their rendition a couple of days ago and I had to give it a try. The original post is this Seitan Doner Kebab by Steve Cypress. I made a few…

Gluten-free Banana Peel Chick’n

Another banana peel creation 🚨 I was trying to meal plan for the week and decided I wanted to make another Gluten-Free Roast for my husband’s niece but this time I wanted it to resemble a chicken substitute and I wanted to try using some of the banana peels she helped me collect. It didn’t…